New Year! Are you already thinking about taxes?

With the new year here, many are already thinking about tax time! Especially when it comes to having all the necessary documents.

How to get your taxes from the IRS (online)




1. Go to:


2. Click on "Get Transcript Online" ("get transcription online")


3 create account (or login)

to. To create an account, you must have:

                                                              i. full name

                                                            II. Email

                                                          III. Date of birth

iv. Number of Social Security (SSN) or individual tax ID (ITIN)

v Status as a Bachelor, married or married but filing single, etc.

vi. Current address


3. Request "Record of Account Transcript" ("register of transcription of account")

(For the period of time relevant (you can only ask for three years; if you need more, you will have to ask by mail application))


to. Must also apply for "Wage and Income Transcript" If you need proof of income for some reason