Aminata Yaro
My name is Yaro, I am a first generation American, and law student. I was born to a Jamaican mother, and Ivorian father. At the age of 18 I returned to the United States after living in Jamaica for much of my youth. I subsequently attended John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY, in New York City. I earned my Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice, with a concentration in English Literature. I moved to Minnesota to attend Mitchell Hamline School of Law, where I am the current President of the Black Law Students’ Assoc. I am elated to be a Law Clerk at Contreras Edin Law, PA.
I developed an interest in Immigration Law because I have personally experienced the profound impact of immigration law, and its complexities, on immigrant families. As a society, we place great value on family, specifically the family’s role as a foundational social institution. Immigrant families have the same intrinsic value we have traditionally sought to indemnify and they deserve to be protected.
In my free time, I like to journal and watch classic cinema.